Peter Farrow | Life After Juilliard

Monday, Jul 10, 2023
Juilliard Journal
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Postcards From Juilliard Alums

Life after Juilliard has been a roller coaster! I started working at Sleep No More down in Chelsea a couple of months after graduation. That was an amazing opportunity to learn more about dance theater and to dive deeper into one show than I ever had. I also got to perform with some close friends and fellow Juilliard alums.

After a year and a half, I was ready for a change. I left Sleep No More right before the pandemic hit and was lucky enough to spend the next five months at home in Virginia with my family. It was the first time we had all been under one roof in years, so it took a lot of adjusting; but it also taught me a lot about how my priorities had shifted since school. I came back to New York City that summer and freelanced for the next year, performing a solo show at Arts on Site, babysitting, working at a farmer’s market, and teaching ballet.

I ended up getting hired at the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company the following year on the recommendation of a former professor, Risa Steinberg (BFA ’71, dance), and moved out to Salt Lake City! I had never been here before, but it’s been a wonderful change of pace. It’s been great to be dancing so much again and also connect with so many members of the dance community I’ve never met before. Next year will be my third season with the company, and I’m excited to see what’s next!

Peter Farrow (BFA '18, dance)

Want to share a Life After Juilliard story? Let us know at [email protected].