Performance 日历



Terese Capucilli was born in Syracuse, N.Y., is acclaimed for her work with Martha Graham 跳舞 Company and her interpretation of the classic roles originally performed by Graham. She was a principal dancer with the Graham company from 1979 to 2005, associate artistic director from 2000 to 2002; and artistic director from 2002 to 05. She is now artistic director laureate. Roles created for her include The Chosen One in The Rite of Spring. She was nstrumental in the research, reconstruction, performance of early solos, including 萨勒姆海岸 (with Claire Bloom), 深的歌, 幽灵- 1914. Capucilli was partnered by Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rudolf Nureyev in Graham works (Appalachian Spring in 1988 with both dancers). Roles have been created for her by choreographers including Twyla Tharp, 露辛达蔡尔兹, 和罗伯特·威尔逊. Other career highlights include performances with Kathleen Turner in Graham's Letter to the World 和设置 Appalachian Spring on Colorado Ballet and Juilliard (2008). She was associate founder/principal dancer of Buglisi 跳舞 Theater and was chosen for Annie Leibovitz's book, 女性. Awards include the 1985 Princess Grace Foundation Fellowship, 1986 Statuette Award, 2001 跳舞 magazine award, Purchase 大学’s 2010 Presidential Distinguished 校友 Award. She received a BFA in 跳舞 from Purchase 大学 and has studied with Kazuko Hirabayashi, 卡罗尔·弗里德·考恩, 梅尔·黄, 亚伦奥斯本, 罗伊·费尔南德斯, 安妮·帕森斯, Rosanna Seravalli. She received a scholarship from the Graham Center in 1978 where she studied with Martha Graham, 格特鲁德太不可, 琳达赫德, 珍珠朗, 和百合子. Additional instructors in New York include Kathy Grant, 玛吉黑, Zena Rommett, 南希·比, Leda Franklin/Gyrokinesis (certified) and character work with National 跳舞 Institute. She has been on the faculty at Juilliard since 1999.